Water is Life 48″ x 36″


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Title: Water is Life

Artist : Kweku Akyeampong

Size: 48″ x 36″

Medium: Acrylic, Mixed Media

This artpiece tells the story of scarcity as well as abundance and in there there various lessons. Additions of “Adinkra” symbols tells different stories and teach a lot of wisdom.


Title: Water is Life

Artist : Kweku Akyeampong

Size: 48″ x 36″

Medium: Acrylic, Mixed Media

This artpiece tells the story of scarcity as well as abundance and in there there various lessons. Additions of “Adinkra” symbols tells different stories and teach a lot of wisdom. Blue is the predominant color symbolizing calmness in adversity and also symbolizes water. Yellow stand s for wisdom, gold and light.

Apart frm the paint the artist used african print to promote African texile industry. Beads are also used which is jewllery worn by most Ghanaians and Africans.


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